Saturday, December 20, 2008

v1.1 Is live!

Obsidian has given us a beta patch with numerous fixes, the most important of which was the speaktrigger issue that plagued my mod.

v1.1 Also includes numerous other fixes, changes, and additions.

Work still continues on "Dark Powers 1 - Of Storm & Sickness".

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Making Maps

I haven't updated this for a couple weeks, so I thought I'd leave a quick post.

I'm currently in process with the most arduous- yet most rewarding- aspect of mod making: Maps! I should have some screens up in a few weeks.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Storm of Zehir...

It looks like I'll have to do an update, regardless. SoZ has disabled my opening cutscene! I'm almost done with a workaround. In the meantime, I hope Obsidian fixes the problem with a new patch. That said, some of the new content(like spiderwebs) will fit into my campaign very nicely.

Obviously, work is delayed on Chapter 1 until I get the Prologue fixed.

Monday, November 17, 2008


After reflecting on a few user comments, I'm going to release an updated version within the next few days.

The journey never ends...

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Prologue Released!

I've uploaded the prologue to IGN. They should have it up in a day or two. I expect to receive plenty of low scores for it being "too short", but oh well. I'm confident that it's polish and overall quality will sufficiently advertise that a great campaign is in the works.

Here's the link:
Dark Powers Prologue - Into The Mists

Work on level 1 is well underway.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Quick Update

I finally got the bug squished! I just want to make a couple little tweaks here and there, and then I plan to have this released within a few days.

Here's the loading screen I'm using for the prologue:

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

I wanted to release the prologue by no later than today, but a few things have altered that plan for me:

As of last minute changes, my mod has become slightly corrupted, causing certain enemies to do no damage while attacking. It'll take me a few days(at least) to figure this one out. I'm guessing it has something to do with templates. I'll probably just import most of the relevant files as a new mod.

The other reason for my delay, is the massive Halloween project! I've only played through a few of the houses, and wow! I bet I'm not alone in playing that exclusively for the next couple of weeks. I'm pleased to see that a lot of these guys have been thinking along the same twisted lines as I have. Makes me wonder if it was actually a good idea to release a horror mod in the same timeframe as that monster.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A long overdue introduction...

The 'Dark Powers' series is a Lovecraftian twist on the domains of Ravenloft, for Neverwinter Nights 2.

My idea is a series of mods where every single conceivable aspect of the game: setting, visuals, plot, dialog, etc. are used to maximum effect in order to do the genre justice. You'll see plenty of macabre influences- some obvious, some obscure- used together in a thoughtful manner to live up to the Ravenloft name.

Bear in mind, this is not a canonical interpretation of Ravenloft, but damn close. I'm using the Forgotten Realms dieties, I doubt there's a Strahd von Zarovich, but everything else will resemble the Ravenloft you've come to fear and dread. With any luck, I can make you fear it just a little more.